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Snappy Fast Shopping Wishlist

Save items and get discount notifications from any store online! Create and share wishlists in seconds.

Save items into wishlists from any online store, and get notified every time there's a discount.

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Download the mobile app

Get the Chestr iPhone app to save products from TikTok, Amazon, and your mobile browser!

QR CodeArrow Point towards QR CodeApp Store Button
App on Mobile Phone showing UI

How it Works

1. Download the app

Download our iOS app from the app store and create an account.

2. Shop like normal

Just tap-to-save when you want to save an item - and voi-la!

3. Enjoy the benefits

Track discounts. Organize wishlists. Track all your purchases. Follow friends.

Chrome Extension!

You can add Chestr on your browser as well so you can save products from your desktop.

Chrome Extension on saving the search

Snappy Fast

Save anything, from any website in a single click. Add items to organized folders and more.

Save products directly from your mobile browser by clicking “Share” + Chestr icon!

Saving in a Wishlist Saving items to monitor discounts
Notifications on the appMobile Notifications of app activity

Never miss a sale

Chestr constantly monitors for discounts, sales and coupons for all your saved items.



Save and access your wishlists from both your phone and web via Chestr iPhone app and Chestr Chrome extension.

Synced web and mobile

This extension is awesome! The entire interface is snappy fast! I can quickly and easily save a product in just one click and organize them in folders. Instead of several wishlists and carts, this allows me to keep products I'm thinking of buying in just one place.

Love how easy it is to create shopping lists from different stores!!!! Now I don't have to check wishlists on each different site :')

I love it! I can add any items from anywhere in a SINGLE CLICK, and organize them in folders without ever leaving the shopping page … I’m using it almost daily now.

This is such great extension! I use it every day. I had the opportunity to talk with Besart about Chestr and even though it's already great, I'm looking forward to the updates they have planned, especially the iPhone app!

Arrows for navigation of slider
Arrows for navigation of slider

Start your online shopping wishlist now!

Chestr Wishlist 1.0 Web + iOS App - Save products, get discount + restock alerts & more | Product Hunt